Soins pour chiens naturels à la lavande apaisante

Pet care

Transform your pet's grooming routine into a relaxing ritual thanks to the benefits of true lavender essential oil. Our pet care products are enriched with hydrating botanical extracts and are certified cruelty free.




Online Exclusive | Limited Edition

Get the 500 ml lavender linen water for FREE when purchased as a duo with the 1L refill!

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3 products
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Shampooing à la lavande pour animal sans rinçageShampooing à la lavande pour animal sans rinçage
No rinse pet shampoo
Sale price18.50 $ CAD
34 reviews
Shampooing apaisant pour chiens à la lavandeShampooing apaisant pour chien fait avec des ingrédients d'origine naturelle
Soothing pet shampoo
Sale price17.50 $ CAD
31 reviews
Démêlant sans rinçage à la lavande pour animaux - 200 mlDémêlant sans rinçage à la lavande pour animaux - 200 ml

Premium wellness products

At Bleu Lavande, we are a team of lavender essential oil lovers. Since 2004, we deliver its therapeutic benefits through a unique, and premium range of health, body care, home and pet products that inspire everyday wellbeing. We take pride in the utmost quality and naturality of our products. We love lavender so much that we even grow it!