Wondering how to use your drop diffuser properly? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! That’s why we’ve put together a visual guide with each step explained. And for even more clarity, check out our video tutorial on social media.
Step 1: Unscrew the diffuser
Start by unscrewing the drop diffuser. This allows you to access the inside of the finely carved white oak wood. It’s the first key step for successful diffusion!
Step 2: Fill with your favorite essential oil
Once open, carefully fill the diffuser with the essential oil of your choice. Follow your preferences—lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint… choose the one that will provide the best diffusion experience.
Step 3: Screw the diffuser back on
After filling the diffuser, screw it back on tightly. Make sure the lid is properly in place to prevent any leaks.
Step 4: Flip the diffuser upside down
Gently turn the diffuser upside down. The wood will start absorbing the essential oil through its natural capillary action. You’ll notice the wood changing color as it becomes fully saturated.
Step 5: Let it diffuse
Unlike other diffusers, the drop diffuser doesn’t require electricity. It diffuses naturally through the wood. Once ready, place your diffuser in your preferred small space and enjoy a pleasant, natural diffusion.
And that’s it! You’re all set to enjoy a simple and effective natural diffusion experience. For additional visuals, don’t forget to check out our video tutorial on social media!
1 comment
Lucie Chantal
Bonjour, j’aimerais savoir à quel endroit que je pourrais acheter le diffuseur goutte ?
Je demeure à Mirabel
Bonjour, j’aimerais savoir à quel endroit que je pourrais acheter le diffuseur goutte ?
Je demeure à Mirabel